Blind Wine Tasting Competition 2023
The Blind Tasting Competition 2023 offered a fun opportunity to taste a challenging selection of classic wine styles.
Andrea Martinisi pours for Diana's team who travelled from Waiheke Island.

Celia Hay presents each wine and their questions.

The Winers - a team of sommeliers including Suraj GC, Vojtech Cutor, Andre and guest sommelier Lu Wang from Australia.

Maika Yamamoto, visiting sommelier from Japan.

Derek's team of Vinea Peers have entered each year.

Japan Sommelier Ryoma Okinaka.

Karen Fistonich and Cashias Gumbo at the Blind tasting.

Celia Hay announces the current scores.

Oliver Hay pours the mystery wine.

The team of current WSET Level 3 students from NZ School of Food and Wine.

Tori Haysom waits for the wine.

Larissa Muller, from Palate Restaurant in Hamilton, pours wine.

Winners and Runners up

Blind tasting competition winners 2023 - Team Cantareen Kiwis with Karen Fistonich, Cashias Gumbo, Kunal Kohli and Minnie Tan.

2nd Place - Team Winers with guest Australian sommelier, Lu Yang.

3rd Place - Team Vinea Peers - who managed a run of 16 correct questions in a row.

Wines used for Blind tasting competition 2023
Left to right
- Donatien Vouvray Vouvray 2020
- Bott-Geyl, Les Éléments Riesling
- Dog Point, Sauvignon Blanc 2022
- Greystone Organic Chardonnay 2021
- Domaine La Soumade Cotes Du Rhone 2020
- Grasshopper Rock Pinot Noir 2018
- Man o' War Syrah 2022
- Millaman Reserva Carmenere 2019